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Approved in the Academic Council held on 23.02.1999 under Item No. (5) and Resolution No. (27)




Executive Council Meeting (237th) held on 24th May, 1999 under Item No. 11 and Resolution No. 17.)














Lakshminath Bezbaroa Central Library :: Dibrugarh  University

(Updated by the Library Committee in its meetings held on 25.11.98 & 27.11.98)


Approved in the Academic Council held on 23.02.1999 under Item No. (5) and Resolution No. (27) and Executive Council Meeting (237th) held on 24th May, 1999 under Item No. 11 and Resolution No. 17.



The Library Hours shall be from 8.30 AM to 7.30 PM on University working days.




            Membership shall be open to the following:


1.      Teachers of the University in permanent cadre.

2.      Registered Ph D. & M.Phil students of the University.

3.      Students of the various faculties in the University.

4.      Officers and employees in permanent cadre of the University.

All categories of students are to apply for membership in prescribed form obtainable from the Library with due recommendations from the respective Heads of the Department. All other members are to fill up a form to be supplied by the Library.


Associate Membership:


            There shall be associate membership available to the following:


1.      Former teachers, officers and employees of the University residing in Dibrugarh;

2.      Teachers of D.U. affiliated colleges of Dibrugarh Town.

Persons seeking associate membership may apply on prescribed forms and pay necessary fee and caution deposits.


Reading Facilities:


Reading facilities in the Library shall be available also to persons other than the members and associate members, with due prior approval of the Librarian.




Lending Facilities:


          Lending facilities in the Library shall be as follows:


1.      For teachers working in the University:                                                                          20 books for one month with provision of renewal.


2.      Registered Ph D. & M.Phil students of the Universities:                                             10 books for Ph.D ; 5 books for M.Phil for one month.


3.      Students belonging to different faculties of the Universities                                         4 books for 14 days.


4.      Officers & Employees in the permanent cadre of the University:                                5 books for Officers for one month; 2 books for other employees for 14 days.


5.      Departmental Libraries:

Maximum of 150 books which are considered absolutely necessary for teaching and research in the Department, against Departmental Pass Book.


6.      Visiting Professors and Resource Persons:

Books required for this purpose shall be issued to the Head of the Department concerned only against Departmental Pass Book.


7.      Associate Members:

2 books at a time for a period of 30 days.


Library Fee and Caution Deposits:


A.    Refundable Caution Deposits


1.      For  Registered Ph.D. students                                  Rs.500.00

2.      For  Registered M. Phil. Students                              Rs. 300.00

3.      For Associate members                                             Rs. 1000.00

            B. Non Refundable fees

1.      For student members                                                Rs. 200.00

2.      Library Card for all categories of students                  Rs.10.00

3.      Library fee for all categories of students 

(Yearly)                                                                    Rs.100.00

4.      Membership fee for Research Scholars

(Yearly)                                                                    Rs.500.00


5.      Library Membership (Temporary) fee for outsiders    Rs. 250.00







General Rules of the Library:


1.     Before entering the library, books (not belonging to the Library), all sorts of bags, umbrellas, packets etc. are to be deposited in the property counter against a token to be issued for the purpose.

2.     A member will have to show the Membership Card/ Identity Card/ Gate Pass at the entrance whenever he/she wants to enter the Library.

3.     Before entering the Library the Gate Register is to be signed legibly. In case of loss of property tokens a charge of Rs. 5.00 shall be made.

4.     Books treated as 'Reference' are not issued on loan. Current issues of Periodicals will not be issued. Bound Volumes of journals may be issued with permission from the Librarian.

5.     Books on loan with members can be recalled by the Librarian at any time.

6.     Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the book before borrowing, otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning.

7.     An overdue charge of Rs. 1.00 for a Text Book and 50.00 Paise for a general book per day shall be levied on a member other than teachers and officers, if a book is kept beyond the period of loan. The period of loan can be extended by the Librarian, on individual cases. The overdue fines may be reduced or waived by the Librarian on very special cases only.

8.     If a borrower fails to return a book borrowed by him/her or if the book is found to be damaged or mutilated he/she will be required to either (a) replace the book with a new copy or (b) pay Ten times on the publisher's price of the book.

9.     The members will get at the time of membership as many 'Reader's Ticket' as the number of books they are eligible to borrow.

10. While borrowing book/s, a student member must produce his/her Identity Card & Reader's Ticket/s at the Issue Counter.

11. The Membership Card and Reader's Ticket are not transferable.

12.  Overwriting on the Reader's Ticket or Membership Card is not permissible.

13.  In no case the expiry date of student Reader's Ticket shall be extended.

14.  If a Reader's Ticket or the Membership Card gets lost or mutilated because of use or otherwise, it should be reported to the Librarian immediately. A duplicate Reader's Ticket/ Membership Card will on      prayer be issued on payment of Rs. 10.00. The member however will continue to be responsible for any loss which the Library may suffer through the loss or misuse of the Ticket or Card.

15. Students are to return books within two weeks' time immediately after their final examination is over, failing which they will be declared library defaulter.



16.  Students of science classes are to return books within three days after their practical examination are over, failing which they will be declared library defaulter.

17.  M. Phil students are to return books immediately after their theory examination. They may retain books, with special permission from the Librarian, for another six months for preparing their dissertation. After  this stipulated period overdue charge will be levied upon them. The M. Phil students are to take Library Clearance certificate and submit it to the  Head of the Dept./Guide before submission their dissertations.


18.  Ph.D. students are to take Library Clearance Certificate and produce it to the Head of the Dept./Guide before submission of their theses.

19. Teachers, officers and employees of the University shall have to take Library Clearance Certificate before they take release from this University to join other institution or get retired from this University.

20.  Departmental libraries are to borrow books against the Pass-Book issued against each of the Department. At the time of change of Headship of the Department, the outgoing Head will hand over the Departmental Library Pass-Book with details of books to the next Head of the Department.


Library Clearance:


To obtain the Library Clearance Certificate, one is to deposit Reader's Tickets/ Membership Cards, Pass-Book to the Issue Counter. The Issue Counter in return will issue a prescribed form to be duly filled up by the depositor with details of membership, on the basis of which Library Clearance Certificate shall be issued by the Librarian.


Rules for Photocopy:


1.      Non-academic papers are not entertained.

2.      Full description of the document to be Xeroxed must be given in the prescribed application form obtainable in the Xerox room.

3.      Payment for Xeroxing must be made in advance against formal money receipt.

4.      Charges for Xeroxing are as follows:

a)      Rs. 1.00 per page.

b)      Rs. 1.50 both sides of a page.

For the smooth and efficient management of the library the Librarian/Library Committee is authorized to formulate any such rule that may be deemed necessary from time to time.